The first time I heard the term "lifelong learner" I was a student at Texas A & M University. One of my Education professors told our class that for the rest of our lives at future educators and members of society we needed to view ourselves as lifelong learners. She referred to it as a buzz word in the education world; that it would be a quality that our future employers would find it imperative for us to have.
I thought to myself, what does it really mean to be a lifelong learner? Is everyone automatically one, or is it something that you have to commit to being and have a necessary attitude in order to embody it? After pondering that thought, I decided it was definitely something you decide and choose to "be". You must possess an attitude and outlook on life that you will for the rest of your life be open to learning new things and at no given point or time will know it all. I love that thought! I suppose for some people to prefer to have the answer to everything, it could possibly drive them crazy, but I enjoy the idea that I never have to know everything or be perfect. Instead, I am a work in progress, always bettering myself and acclimating to the inevitable changes that life brings in areas of work, school, family and friends.
The tutorial on the 7 1/2 Habits of Highly Successful Lifelong Learners reminded me of some helpful tips that can help one to be a learner for the rest of his/her life. They include:
1. Begin with the end in mind.
2. Accept responsibility for your own learning.
3. View problems as challenges.
4. Have confidence in yourself as a competent, effective learner.
5. Create your own learning toolbox.
6. Use technology to your advantage.
7. Teach/mentor others.
7 1/2. Play!
Out of those 7 1/2 habits, for me the easiest one to possess is accepting responsibility for your own learning, and the hardest one for me to possess is viewing problems as challenges.
I've realized over time that what I get out of school, work, relationships, etc. is directly related to what I put into it. My learning is up to me, and I take full responsibility for it. As an adult, if I want to learn something new or better myself in a specific area, it is up to me to make that happen. I have the tools to do so, and only I can and should take the necessary steps to make that happen for myself.
One thing I know to be true is I am more successful in the long run if I take something that presents itself as a problem and turn it into a challenge that I can work to meet and overcome. Having said that, it is something that I need to work on and am not currently the greatest at. Typically, when I have a lot on my plate and I run into roadblocks or problems, I allow it get me down and I get stressed and worn out. I'd love to get better at changing my attitude in times like that and look at those times as opportunities to dig deep within myself and work to meet a challenge head on with a positive attitude.
I look forward to all of the opportunities that await me down the road, where I can better myself as a person and continue to grow as a lifelong learner. Here is a link to my personal learning contract. It is one way that I am trying to stay organized, so despite that things are busy and I have a lot going on, I can still achieve my goals and stay on top of my commitments while learning new things at the same time!
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